Jackie Hurd

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Big News

I haven't written a blog post since March and there's a good reason for it. I've been quietly working on building a brand with fellow artist, Jill O'Connor of the UK. We are planning on attending the trade show, PrintSource together as a collective Duo in August of 2018. I know that's an entire year away, but believe it or not there's a lot that goes into it. We've had to build a brand and a website- it's live, check it out at jackandjillo.com.  We've been researching and studying trends- I'm even learning a little about how to trend forecast! More to follow on that someday soon.  And of course, most importantly we've been planning and getting a good start on the patterns and collections we'll be taking with us to the trade tradeshow, we'll need at least 100 unseen designs each to take with us. 

Now that we've got things rolling, I'll have a little more time to get back to my normal routine with a few extra hours a day devoted to developing patterns :)