Hand Drawn Flowers

Flowers are one of my absolute favorite subjects to work with so when I saw that Spoonflower was having a “Hand Drawn Florals” design challenge, I was all over it. I spent a few hours researching wild flowers, specifically ones native to North Carolina, where I live. I kind of got a little lost in the process. I love flowers. Have I said that yet? Anyway, I did an ink drawing of the flowers I decided to work with such as chicory (so much fun to draw), wild roses, rose hips, and thistles to name a few. There were over a thousand entries for this challenge so I didn’t place anywhere in the top 60 this time but that’s ok. There are a lot of talented artists on the Spoonflower platform and competition is tough, but it’s worth it to enter when I can. I see Spoonflower challenges as opportunities to create new designs and collections, it’s always helpful to have a prompt to work with and they’re usually subjects I wouldn’t have thought of on my own. I didn’t create a huge collection from this one, maybe I’ll add a few more designs later but in the meantime there’s a darker color way of the main design, an option without the grid lines and a clover coordinate available in two options. Click here to shop this collection in my Spoonflower shop where it’s available on fabric, wallpaper and an assortment of home decor items.

Click to visit my Spoonflower shop where you can buy any of these designs on fabric or wallpaper.

Click to visit my Spoonflower shop where you can buy any of these designs on fabric or wallpaper.