I'm All Over the Place

I'm all over the place! Or at least I feel like I am. These past few weeks have been a bit crazy for me. In an effort to get school over with faster I increased my course load. Simultaneously, my work load also increased... and so did the ballet practices for my girls! When it rains it pours right? Regardless, I know this is only temporary and this period of being uncomfortably busy is actually forcing me to be a little more decisive in my creative process. And when I'm decisive, I find I'm more productive :) Perhaps I should just stay busy for the sake of making good art. 

Anyway, here are two little illustrations I did this week for one of my classes. 

An illustrated "set design" for school


What is creative flow?

Sometimes when I talk to my artist friends we joke that our clients think we have a magic wand that we can wave and create with. It’s definitely just a joke, I have no such thing, but to be honest there is something a little magical about the creative process. Realistically and for those who don’t believe in magic, it’s a purely physiological process. 

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Feeling Imaginative

When I was a kid I was always day dreaming. My imagination was so alive it was almost uncontrollable, especially in 4th grade math class where I missed out on foundational math because I was too busy drawing happy troll looking characters on my desk and giving them haircuts with an eraser or escaping to the away dreamlands that would spill onto my paper.

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