Adding pen over my pencil sketch
I added color using watercolor pencils and a wet brush.
When I was a kid I was always day dreaming. My imagination was so alive it was almost uncontrollable, especially in 4th grade math class where I missed out on foundational math because I was too busy drawing happy troll looking characters on my desk and giving them haircuts with an eraser or escaping to the away dreamlands that would spill onto my paper.
This morning I woke up early like I always do to get right to work, I feel like I'm most creative as soon as I get out of bed, before the sun comes up, but to my disappointment, there was an internet outage and the project I was hoping to work on was a website. It was cold and rainy outside. I missed out on the perfect morning to sleep in. For a minute I almost allowed myself to get upset about outside forces interfering with my productivity but then I realized this was the perfect opportunity to do something I've been trying to find the time to do all week; draw something for myself, for fun. So I drew a tree house and as I drew it, I was suddenly back in fourth grade, escaping to a fun far away place where it wasn't rainy or cold.