Every year when it warms up my husband and I get excited about having a garden. We plant a little bit of EVERYTHING which is always way too much, get excited when things start to grow and then loose interest as the weeds and bugs take over. This year we decided to approach things differently. We bought already started plants and only what we knew we'd eat- lettuce, broccoli and herbs. Everything was doing great and then after getting the back yard fence installed, we decided to let our 6 hens out of their coop. Within minutes, possibly even seconds, they ate every single head of lettuce in the garden. They didn't touch anything else, just the lettuce. Apparently, hens really like lettuce.
We now have an additional fence around the garden to protect our recovering lettuce, but from this experience I was inspired to create this collection of designs called "Hens in the Garden" each design is now available for purchase on Spoonflower as fabric, gift-wrap or wallpaper. Since I'm a seller on Spoonflower but not a sewer, I'm hoping someone will buy a few yards and make something adorable so I can see these designs come to life! I think these chickens would look great on aprons or teatowels!
Buy a few yards from this collection, sew it into something awesome and tag me on Instagram!